Saturday, December 13, 2014

A CHICK ‘N’ PUG CHRISTMAS by Jennifer Sattler.  New York: Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2014. 32p.  ISBN: 978-159990-6027 hc. $16.99  Gr. K-2   E PIC

Sattler does not disappoint with this holiday addition to the CHICK ‘n’ PUG series.  Pug begins the story by explaining the concept of Santa with the words, “He brings presents and spreads joy to everyone at Christmas.”  Chick is ready to sign on to this idea in the role of Santa’s elf.  The pair makes their way through the neighborhood spreading cheer (more or less) to their friends, Mr. Snuggles and the Dude, before having fun of their own.  The text is truly enhanced by the bright illustrations that focus on facial expressions of the characters.  Readers will want to start the Christmas season early each year to read this story again and again.
Lynette Suckow, Peter White Public Library, Marquette, MI 

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