THE DAY I RAN AWAY by Holly L. Niner. Illus. by Isabella Ongaro. New York: Flashlight Press, 2017. ISBN 978-1936261-895 hc. $17.95 PreS-Gr.1 E PIC
The diminutive main character, a young girl who stays at home with her mother, was recalling her day with her father before bedtime. The day began poorly as her favorite shirt was dirty and her favorite cereal was unavailable. As the day progressed, she tried to solve her problems. For instance, she used a purple marker to make her white shirt purple, but her mother was not pleased and she ended up in more trouble. Finally, she decided to gather her things and run away from home. Her mother helped. By the end of the day, she had a play tent in the backyard and her favorite meal for supper. It turned out to be a good day after all. The parents in this story are great role models for any age reader.
NO MORE NOISY NIGHTS by Holly L. Niner. Illus. by Guy Wolek. New York: Flashlight Press, 2017. ISBN 978-1036261-932 hc. $17.95 PreS-Gr.1 E PIC
Jackson worked hard all day long moving into his new mole hole underground. By the way, the cut-away illustrations by Wolek are the best! As Jackson tucked into bed for a good night's rest, loud noises from the attic kept him awake. The ghost in the attic said he had nothing else to do all night, so Jackson left him a puzzle to keep him busy. The next night, a monster in the basement acted out, so Jackson left him a train set to occupy his time. The third night, a pixie in the piano plunked random notes to interrupt his sleep, so he left her some sheet music of soothing lullabies. With his kindness, Jackson made new friends and brought peace to his home.
Lynette Suckow, Superiorland Preview Center, Marquette, MI
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