Tuesday, May 15, 2018

EYES & SPIES: How You’re Tracked and Why You Should Know by Tanya Lloyd Kyi. Illus. by Belle Wuthrich. Berkeley, CA:  Annick Press, 2017.  135p.  ISBN 978-155451911-8 hc. $22.95    Gr. 5-12    YA 323.448 KY

This book covers electronic privacy concerns because of computers and online programs that access our personal data and transmit it to other electronic sources.  We’re on camera at home, at the store, in the restaurant, and at school.  We willingly give our own information to social media sites and online accounts every day.  The information is condensed into 135 pages, presented with tables and graphs that are easy to understand.  Many chapters include “The Creepy Line” which features true life examples of topics such as hidden surveillance, cyberbullying, invasion of privacy, and gathering data from social media accounts.  There’s a complete bibliography and index at the back of the book to help check facts and read more about cyber topics.
Lynette Suckow, Superiorland Preview Center, Marquette, MI

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